User experience survey of a novel device for a European medical company
The client is about to introduce an innovative medical product to the German market. To anticipate its market performance, a survey that analyzes the medical practitioners’ attitude towards the product is to be conducted.
DTO Research approach and procedure
In a first step, DTO Research developed a standardized questionnaire and interview guidelines, tailor-made to the specific needs of the client. Afterwards, a sample that represents the entirety of the German medical landscape was recruited and interviewed in a specialized test facility. The client was present throughout the interviews and, thus, was able to directly observe the behavior and attitude of medical professionals.
Through extensive preparation and research the DTO Research interviewers were trained to an extent that enabled them to observe the relevant nuances, to ask sensible follow-up questions, and to create an effective yet enjoyable atmosphere for the interviewees. Through this, the client was presented with the unique opportunity to witness customer behavior firsthand which became the foundation of an adequate marketing strategy.