• Automotive Markets

    Automotive Markets

Create and understand automotive markets

In the landscape of continuous  innovation, few industries are currently as severely affected by the pressure to innovate as the automotive industry. This applies to not only the automobile manufacturers, but to the corresponding supplier industry as well. The crucible of change is actively shaping the contours of automotive markets, presenting both challenges and unprecedented opportunities for today and the coming years. It does not matter whether it is about increased digitalization of supply chains or the necessary need for action in the establishment of electromobility.

In the ever-changing landscape of today’s automotive markets, achieving success relies heavily on the resolute commitment to making well-informed decisions. It is at this point that DTO can help your company take action.

Our personalized market analyses help guide companies amidst the ever-shifting trends of the automotive industry. Collaborating with DTO embarks you on a methodical journey that systematically dissects the intricate dynamics inherent within your selected markets. The outcome is a profound depth of insight that proficiently unlocks latent potential with precision.

We are here to help you understand your markets better and efficiently rise to your full potential.

Individual market analysis for:


  • Automotive suppliers
  • Automobile manufacturers
  • Automotive-related services

Contact us now to get a head-start in your industry

Mr. Rickmer Görner

Head of Industry Markets

Email: rickmer.goerner@dto-research.com
Phone: +49 211 / 179 660-14

Navigating the evolving landscape: Seizing opportunities in automotive markets

In the midst of today’s rapidly evolving industrial panorama, the automotive sector stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of innovation. Within this dynamic ecosystem, automotive manufacturers and their supply counterparts encounter a transformative period, as the industry pivots towards a future defined by technological upheavals and transformative trends. The journey ahead is not merely about survival, but about thriving in a landscape where disruption and innovation are the twin engines of progress.


The automotive markets have now evolved into a blend of digital orchestration and electrified ambitions. Embracing said electrification triggers a comprehensive industry transformation which is not entirely about substituting one power source for another; it is a recalibration that demands a nuanced understanding of customer preferences, regulatory landscapes and technological horizons.


However, automotive markets are not solely defined by hardware and engineering. They are a combination of threads, including automotive-related services that transcend conventional boundaries. Labor management, logistics optimization and transformative business consulting constitute the fundamental components of this complex structure. DTO’s proficiency spans these peripheral domains, empowering service providers with insights for achieving operational excellence and customer-centric approaches.

Download our complimentary presentation on the German automotive market with an overview of the top 10 companies here!

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Get up to speed with a targeted market analysis

The automotive sector, an fusion of global economies and cultures, assumes a significant role as a cornerstone of the global industrial landscape. This stature beckons a multitude of suppliers to diligently carve out their niches within its sphere. However, the thresholds to these markets are fortified by entry barriers and rigorous standards.


In this context, comprehending the market’s rhythm emerges as an indispensable asset, propelling astute strategies for market penetration. Furthermore, the expanding automotive markets spawn various ancillary services, including labor management, complex logistics and transformative business consulting.


For service providers, as well as manufacturers and suppliers, a profound understanding of market dynamics and industry insights is essential – a domain where DTO excels. We are happy to discuss with you the possibilities for a tailor-made market analysis.


DTO Research has many years of experience in the automotive sector. Our custom market analyses serve as more than just reports; they are strategic roadmaps, guiding your organization with foresight and precision.


Due to a large number of completed projects, we are in a position to accurately assess market conditions, to identify the right experts for your questions and to establish a customized market analysis to fit your exact needs. We can help you gain knowledge about customers, products, competitors and markets and how to optimally use this knowledge strategically.

Studies Completed in the Automotive Industry

We have conducted a large number of national as well as international studies in the automotive industry:

Automotive Supplier Industry


Automotive-related Service Industry


Automobile Manufacturers



How does DTO contribute to understanding automotive markets?

DTO specializes in providing meticulously crafted, personalized market analyses that serve as a compass within the dynamic automotive industry. By collaborating with DTO, you initiate a deliberate journey that unveils the intricacies of market dynamics in a methodical manner. This process culminates in insights that effectively unlock latent potential with precision.

What specific insights can I expect after a market analysis from DTO?

Following a market analysis from DTO, you will receive a comprehensive overview of market conditions, valuable insights into customer behavior, competitive landscapes and product-related findings. These insights will support you in developing targeted and effective market strategies.

How does DTO stand out in the automotive sector?

DTO possesses extensive experience within automotive markets, bolstered by a portfolio of successful projects. This enables us to accurately assess market conditions, identify key stakeholders and create customizes market analyses that precisely match your individual needs.

Can DTO Research help me identify untapped opportunities in automotive markets?

Absolutely. Our market analyses are designed to uncover opportunities within the automotive sector. By analyzing market gaps, emerging trends and customer behavior, we are happy to provide you with the information needed to capitalize on unexplored avenues.

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