Market research for companies and service providers

Whether it's analyzing your competition, assessing market potential, identifying suitable market partners or finding new markets for your products and services, DTO Research is your specialist in B2B market research. Especially in the case of strategic realignment or the review of the current corporate strategy, it is essential that information is prepared in a valid and needs-based manner for consultations or top management. DTO Research has many years of expertise in a variety of industries and industries and generates the information you need to make strategic and operational decisions.

Industry Focus

  • Industry
  • Service
  • Production
  • Machine and plant engineers
  • Construction and utility machines
  • Chemistry
  • Medicine
  • IT & Telecommunications
  • Automotive
  • Logistics & Transportation
  • Energy

Our services

We create for you both professional market and industry analyzes, as well as short presentations about competitors, customers, countries, distribution channels or product and service potentials. Even if information is needed very quickly, we are happy to be your partner.

market research

competitive analysis

market potential analysis

strategy consulting


For all customers who would like to better understand their markets and industries, even with high levels of non-transparency, we offer the right solution. If you assign yourself to one of our core areas, you will get directly to the corresponding subpages here.