Global market potential analysis of EMC chambers for a German provider of industry solutions
The world-wide market potential and attractiveness for market entry is to be determined in terms of sales and order volumes. This includes the analysis of the largest manufacturers and general contractors as well as common chamber configurations.
DTO Research approach and procedure
National registries of accredited and non-accredited institutions were examined and validated through expert interviews – e.g. with international certification institutes. Building on this, a comprehensive international inventory of EMC/RF chambers was created in combination with development data over time which allowed for a statistically robust forecast. The most relevant potential competitors were characterised and ranked among their average annual sales.
The data on absolute numbers of EMC chambers in combination with a robust growth model, common chamber configurations – e.g. development costs and absorption material, and intelligence on future competition allowed the client and DTO Research to reliably assess the market potential and derive an entry strategy.