Potential analysis for a central-European inland terminal operator
The client operates several trimodal Rhine port terminals and, to improve its investment planning, seeks to analyze the strategic activities of relevant ports and logistics providers who operate along three major cargo routes.
DTO Research approach and procedure
The project team consisted of three groups who were assigned to each of the three cargo routes. Starting point was the respective maritime ports – e.g. Rotterdam – which were analyzed regarding loading and unloading tons or TEU over the most recent periods which, in turn, allowed for a reliable forecast model. Simultaneously, the project groups also examined the local terminal operators and carriers. The methodology was largely based on expert interviews with decision markers of the local companies and was afterwards applied to the respective hinterland ports.
DTO Research provided the client with a comprehensive, tailor-made dossier on the most relevant market players. In a concluding workshop, the client was strategically consulted on the basis of an exclusively developed forecast model which included cargo volumes, shipping times and environmental factors.